Legislative accounts

Offer of legislative accounts

  • € 0 per month for a Basic bank product
  • € 3 per month for a Payment Account with basic features
  • € 2 per month for a borrower's Special Account
Basic banking product

Basic banking product

The Bank shall provide a client who is a consumer, banking services in the scope of a basic banking product, if:

  • he/she submits a written request to the bank
  • at the date of filing of the application he/she is at least 18 years of age
  • he/she does not have another payment account established at the filing date of the application, other than a deposit account, a cash deposit confirmed by a deposit book or the receiving of deposits in the form of a savings program, namely savings by payment card, one-off savings or the periodic transfer of funds
  • if on the date of submitting the application, he/she does not have a monthly income higher than 400 EUR

Apart from a deposit account, a cash deposit confirmed by a deposit book in the bank and a branch office of a foreign bank or the receiving of deposits in the form of a savings program, namely savings by payment card, one-off savings or the periodic transfer of funds, the consumer shall not establish a payment account in the period during which the bank provides him/her with a basic bank product.

The Bank provides the following services within its basic banking product

  • establishment, maintenance and cancellation of a payment account
  • unlimited number of payment transactions in the currency of EUR in the territory of the Slovak Republic executed
    • depositing funds in cash on a payment account in a place where the bank carries out its activities
    • withdrawing funds in cash from a payment account
      • in the place where the bank operates without the use of an international debit card
      • international debit card via ATMs from the Bank's network
    • cashless transfer of funds from a payment account or to a payment account by a payment, including a standing order for payment or direct debit
      • direct debit at the place where the bank carries out its activities
      • through technical devices that allow remote access to the payment account
    • cashless transfer of funds through an international debit card to a person who accepts payment cards
  • the issue of one international debit card and every automatic renewal after its expiration

Out-of-court settlement of disputes

You can lodge your complaint or claim:

  • in person at the branches of the bank
  • in writing at the address: VÚB, a.s., Department of Client Solution, Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava
  • by phone, via the contact centre or
  • via e-mail, via www.vub.sk, viaa contact form

The Bank generally handles complaints or claims within 30 days of their application, in complex cases not later than 6 months.

As a consumer you also have other options on how to claim your rights. In addition to lodging a complaint or claim, you can use out-of-court solutions such as the institute of the Banking Ombudsman. For more information, visithttp://www.bankovyombudsman.sk.
You can also take advantage of the possibility of bringing an action before a Consumer Arbitration Court or a General Court of the Slovak Republic. If you are interested in resolving potential disputes through the Consumer Arbitration Court, which is the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Banking Association with its registered office at: Slovak Banking Association - SRS, Mýtna 48, Blumental Offices I, 811 07 Bratislava, web address: www.sbaonline.sk, e-mail address: srs@sbaonline.sk, you can express this choice by signing a contract on consumer arbitration, which will be submitted to you at the latest at the conclusion of the contractual documentation.
The Supervisory Authority is the National Bank of Slovakia, with its registered office at Imricha Karvaša 1, 813 25 Bratislava.

Account with basic features (standard account)

Account with basic features (standard account)

The Bank shall provide banking services in the scope of a standard account to a consumer who:

  • has residency in the European Union, including a non-resident consumer in the territory of the Slovak Republic, an asylum seeker and a consumer who has not been granted a residence permit but whose expulsion is not possible for legal or factual reasons
  • submits a written request to the bank
  • does not have another payment account established at the filing date of the application, other than a deposit account, a cash deposit confirmed by a deposit book or the receiving of deposits in the form of a savings program, namely savings by payment card, one-off savings or the periodic transfer of funds

A consumer who has been provided a standard account may not set up any additional payment account apart from a deposit account, a cash deposit confirmed by a deposit book or receiving deposits in the form of a savings program, namely savings by payment card, one-off savings or periodic transfer of funds in a bank and branch office of a foreign bank.


The bank provides the following services within a standard account

  • establishment, maintenance and cancellation of a payment account
  • unlimited number of payment transactions performed in EUR
    • depositing funds in cash on a payment account on the territory of the Slovak Republic in a place where the bank carries out its activity
    • withdrawal of funds in cash from the payment account
      • in the place where the bank carries out its activity without using an international debit card in the territory of the Slovak Republic
      • international debit card via ATMs from the Bank's network and from ATMs within the Intesa Sanpaolo Group abroad, in EUR
    • cashless transfer of funds from a payment account or to a payment account by a payment, including a standing order for payment or direct debit, including a standing order for direct debit within the European Economic Area
      • direct debit at the place where the bank carries out its activity
      • through technical devices that allow remote access to the payment account
  • cashless transfer of funds through an international debit card
  • the issue of one international debit card and every automatic renewal after its expiration

Reasons to reject a request to set up a standard account

The Bank shall reject the request to set up a standard account if:

  • the establishment of a standard account is contrary to Act No. 297/2008 Coll. on Protection against the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and on the Protection against the Financing of Terrorism and on the Amendment to Certain Acts
  • the consumer has a payment account in a bank or branch of a foreign bank that contains all standard bank services
  • the deadline of 30 calendar days has expired from the receipt of the Bank's request to complete the application, if it has not been completed or duly completed.

The establishment of a standard bank account must not be conditional on the provision of additional services or the offering of the shares of the Bank, if this condition is true for all its clients.

Out-of-court settlement of disputes

You can lodge your complaint or claim:

  • in person at the branches of the bank
  • in writing at the address: VÚB, a.s., Department of Client Solution, Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava
  • by phone, via the contact centre or
  • via e-mail, via www.vub.sk, via a contact form

The Bank generally handles complaints or complaints within 30 days of their application, in complex cases not later than 6 months.

As a consumer you also have other options on how to claim your rights. In addition to lodging a complaint or claim, you can use out-of-court solutions such as the institute of the Banking Ombudsman. For more information, visit http://www.bankovyombudsman.sk.
You can also take advantage of the possibility of bringing an action before a Consumer Arbitration Court or a General Court of the Slovak Republic. If you are interested in resolving potential disputes through the Consumer Arbitration Court, which is the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Slovak Banking Association with its registered office at: Slovak Banking Association - SRS, Mýtna 48, Blumental Offices I, 811 07 Bratislava, web address: www.sbaonline.sk, e-mail address: srs@sbaonline.sk, you can express this choice by signing a contract on consumer arbitration, which will be submitted to you at the latest at the conclusion of the contractual documentation.
The Supervisory Authority is the National Bank of Slovakia, with its registered office at Imricha Karvaša 1, 813 25 Bratislava.

Borrower's special account

Borrower's special account

This account is used for the transfer of funds from the sale of property owned by a debtor in the amount corresponding to the non-penalizable value of the borrower's dwelling determined by the Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic (currently max. € 10,000).

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