Magnifica VÚB Account
Make everyday access to your money easier. In addition, you can customize your account exactly according to your needs.
Open a magnifica account
- VISA Inspire Gold payment card
- Apple Pay, Google Pay
- Unlimited card payments
- unlimited withdrawals from VÚB Bank ATMs
- unlimited payments via standing orders, automatic transfers, SEPA direct debit
- one-time online payments and SEPA instant payments
- e-mail and PUSH account notifications
- up to 5 savings accounts, including 1 savings account for a mortgage
- branch operations and SEPA instant payments
- SMS notifications (from 1.1.2020 each SMS notification is charged by the amount of 0.15 €, the total fee for all sent SMS notifications is max. 1.00 € / month)
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Savings Account
You can open up to 5 savings accounts, including 1 mortgage savings account without a fee, in addition to your current account. You will benefit from preferential interest rates on these accounts.