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Mortgage calculator

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment from VUB Bank with the mortgage calculator.

Mortgage calculator

Calculate your monthly mortgage payment from VUB Bank with the mortgage calculator. The mortgage calculation takes into account the required mortgage amount together with the desired repayment period and interest fixation period. We offer you a favourable interest rate, a wide choice of fixation and financing up to 90% of the value of the mortgaged property.

Calculating the monthly mortgage payment
Enter your idea and calculate your monthly mortgage payment from VUB Bank with our mortgage calculator and be worry-free. Looking for a good mortgage rate? Count on us!

Mortgage calculator

Mortgage Amount

min 0 EUR max 0 EUR

Repayment period

0 - 0 -

Fixed interest

  • Your monthly payment
    • Interest rate % p.a. - %
    • Provisioning Fee - EUR

Choose the amount of the installment

Set the mortgage maturity period

0 - 0 -

Select the interest fixation period

  • Amount of your mortgage
    • Interest rate % p.a. - %
    • Provisioning Fee - EUR

Need more information about home mortgages?


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More investment and loan calculators can be found on the Calculators page.

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