"THE TWIN TRANSITION OF SMEs: DIGITALIZATION AND SUSTAINABILITY ON A PARALLEL PATH - Main opportunities offered by transformative trends that are giving the world of production a new shape”, is the title of the event where professionals, experts and academics will gather to discuss how the supply chain ecosystem can support the digitalization of SMEs with particular attention to ESG priorities.
The webinar, the fourth of a series dedicated to supply chains, will provide an opportunity to discuss today’s business trends by reflecting on current global challenges.

The event will be introduced and moderated by
Francesco Mascolo, Head of CIAECO Institutional Affairs International Subsidiary Banks, Intesa Sanpaolo and will be opened by Giuseppe Ferraro, Head of Corporate & SME, International Subsidiary Banks Division, Intesa Sanpaolo.
Guests will include Maurizio Massaro, Associate Professor in Accounting and Digital Management at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and Emanuele Veratti, Partner and Digital Practice Leader at Bain & Company. Professor Massaro will frame the green-brown paradox and illustrate how digital innovation from Shallow Tech to Deep Tech can make it possible to achieve the objectives of the 2030 agenda of United Nations, while Emanuele Veratti will bring his experience to large digital transition projects starting from the transformative macro trends in progress. Through practical cases, solutions will be highlighted to overcome the complexity of process automation programs in service companies and the digitalization of production lines in industrial companies.
Among the speakers, Alice Grittini, Head of CSO ESG Business Acceleration, Intesa Sanpaolo, will talk about digitalization trends with a focus on ESG impacts and the sustainability of investments for digital transformation and Daniela Blandino, Head of SME Clients & Commercial Banking Products International Subsidiary Banks Division, Intesa Sanpaolo, will offer an overview of how the bank can respond to the needs and expectations of businesses by supporting their transformation process, through the offering of digital products and with smart interaction that simplifies dialogue bank-business.
Speeches will be interspersed with some contributions of Italian and international clients who operate through the Subsidiaries of Intesa Sanpaolo. The event, held in English, will end with a Q&A session.
The Networking Talks are live-streaming events created by CIAECO - Institutional Affairs ISB, Intesa Sanpaolo on institutional and business issues to promote developmental opportunities, sector culture, and probably CPD (continuous professional development).