Investing in mutual funds also involves risk. The value of the investment may rise, stagnate or even decrease, and the return on the amount originally invested is not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The tax regime depends on the individual circumstances of each unit-holder, and these may change in the future. The statutes, sales prospectuses and key information for investors, indicating the breakdown of fees and costs, as well as the risk profiles or risk descriptions are available in the Slovak language upon request at the registered offices of VÚB, a. s. and Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, správ. spol., a.s., as well as at all points of sale of VÚB, a. s., and are freely available at www.vub.sk and/or www.eurizonslovakia.com and/or www.eurizoncapital.lu. The investors have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with all the documents referred to in this paragraph and should take into account all the characteristics and objectives of the fund described therein before making their final investment decision. In accordance with the statutes and/or sales prospectuses, the proportion of transferable securities or money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the states referred to in these documents may exceed 35% of the value of the assets in the fund, and may reach up to 100% of that value; the investment policy of the funds concerned may, in accordance with these documents, be to invest predominantly in assets other than transferable securities and money market instruments. Eurizon Capital S.A. funds have their management regulations published in English at www.eurizoncapital.lu; they can invest in a way that replicates financial indices, and their unit-holders must monitor and ensure the taxation of their returns.
Information on investment services, including warnings regarding the risks associated with investments in financial instruments, which include units of mutual funds, can be obtained at all points of sale of VÚB, a. s., and at www.vub.sk in the Mission and Values/Investor Protection section.
The current offer of VÚB, a. s. also includes sustainable and socially responsible (ESG/SRI) mutual funds, which promote, among others, environmental or social characteristics or a combination thereof in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (“SFDR”), or whose objective is to pursue sustainable investments in accordance with Article 9 of the SFDR.
The approach to integrating ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria may vary depending on the mutual fund and its characteristics specified in the relevant fund documentation (in particular Key Investor Information, Sales Prospectus and Statute) available at all points of sale of VÚB, a. s., at www.vub.sk and www.eurizoncapital.com/sk, which you should consider before making a final investment decision.
More information on sustainability aspects can be obtained in the Responsible Investment document available at www.vub.sk in the Mission and Values/Investor Protection section.
The official names of the funds covered by Article 8 of the SFDR Regulation: Eurizon Fund within the scope of the sub-funds (Azioni Strategia Flessibile, Bond Corporate Smart ESG, Bond Emerging Markets, Bond High Yield, Bond Inflation Linked, Equity China A, Equity Emerging Markets Smart Volatility, Equity Innovation, Equity Planet, Equity People, Equity USA, Equity World Smart Volatility, Sustainable Global Equity), Manager Selection Fund within the scope of the sub-funds (MS 10/20/40/70), Epsilon Fund Euro Bond and ESG Responsible Portfolio, open-end mutual fund Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, správ. spol., a. s., Global Portfolio, open-end mutual fund Eurizon Asset Management Slovakia, správ. spol., a. s.
Official names of the funds covered by Article 9 of the SFDR: Eurizon Fund Absolute Green Bonds.
Sustainable investment
Investment in an economic activity that contributes to an environmental objective and/or that contributes to a social objective, provided that such investment does not significantly undermine any of these objectives and the companies benefiting from it, comply with governance and management standards.
ESG sustainability factors
Objectives identified as ESG factors:
- Environmental,
- Social
- Governance and management (“good governance”)
Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector
Article 8 of SFDR
A fund promoting environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics.
For more information regarding sustainability aspects, please refer to the relevant fund documentation (in particular the sales prospectus) and the Responsible Investment document, available at www.vub.sk
Article 9 of SFDR
A fund that has sustainable investment as its objective.
For more information regarding sustainability aspects, please refer to the relevant fund documentation (in particular the sales prospectus) and the Responsible Investment document, available at www.vub.sk